Welcome to edcprep.uk, the home of the new book ‘Everyday Carry Preparedness’ by JP English.
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Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 1 to 13
Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 17 to 25
Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 287 to 297
Everyday Carry and Preparedness are mainstream, sanctioned by Governments and major organisations. In the United Kingdom, Europe and globally, with unprecedented crises, more people than ever before are preparing to survive modern crises.
Everyday Carry Preparedness is the first book of it’s kind providing you with simple, practical skills and solutions so that you, your family and business can build much greater resilience during these unprecedented times.
Key Features
- Stock up with long term food storage.
- Off grid portable solar power and self sufficiency.
- Funding & building EDC Preparedness with checklists.
- Survive power cuts with a blackout kit.
- Benefits of bugging in.
- Escape in an emergency with a Grab and Go Bag.
- Build a tiered EDC system for resilience.
- Escape in an emergency with a Grab and Go Bag.
- Navigate and travel safely wherever you are in the world.
- Personal and family security for better safety.
- Keep your mobile devices and data safe.
- Information is a vital commodity. Identify fake news, stay media savvy.
- Overcome Internet and communications failures, stay informed.
- Amateur radio, CB and PMR for leisure and EMCOMM’s
- Content creators EDC to capture important events.
- Van Life, Bugging Out, traveling, working & living off grid.
- Learn simple skills to build resilience.
- Gain peace of mind, be organised and productive.
- Original photography, illustrations woven with case studies.
Don’t be a victim. Become more self sufficient and resilient in the face of adversity.