Yaesu End Production of FTM400 and FT818 Radios

December Announcement from Yaesu USA

Yaesu FT817D EDC mag mount, batteries
Yaesu FT817D EDC mag mount, batteries

Yaesu USA, the Yaesu FT-818D and the FTM400 are discontinued due to challenges sourcing components for the manufacture of these radios. Yaesu say they will still continue to support these radios as they do have stock of spare parts, but not enough stock for manufacturing new radios.

These radios are selling fast and out of stock in many global suppliers. Once they are sold, thats it. They are gone. Second hand prices are likely to spike.

As many owners of the Yaesu FT817 and FT818 will testify, they will be a hard act to follow.

Official Yaesu Facebook Announcement

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