Category: EDC Prep Book

  • Is Bosnia Facing Further Civil Unrest?

    Aljazeera Report 11th July 2021 Srebrenica genocide survivor, ‘It will happen to us again’ With genocide denial rife in the region, a Bosniak survivor of the atrocities in Srebrenica fears future killings. Escape to Srebrenica Between 1992 and 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina was under attack by Serb and Croat forces aiming to carve the country…

  • Black Cat HF Weather Fax for iOS, Android, Windows & Mac

    Black Cat HF Weather Fax is a fully featured programme that decodes and displays weather fax transmitted over shortwave radio. This is an interesting solution for anyone that needs up to date weather information off grid with no internet or during a power outage. With a suitable suitable shortwave receiver, no transmission required, you can…

  • Storm Arwen Left Resident Unable to Phone for Help. What’s the Solution?

    According the the BBC, power cuts caused by Storm Arwen highlighted a potentially lethal problem in the home phone network’s digital transformation. Traditional landlines are being phased out in favour of broadband-enabled phones vulnerable to power outages. Hundreds of thousands of households across northern England lost power, people in remote areas without a mobile reception…

  • Walkie Talkie Radios Legality

    PMR446, FRS and GMRS There are a wide range of walkie-talkie on sale in different countries. Not all are allowed to be used legally because of the frequency and bands they use. There are laws governing their use for each country you live or intend to visit. Regulations for radios In different countries, authorities regulating…

  • Time up for Baofeng in Europe?

    For Amateur Radio enthusiasts worldwide, the cheap Chinese handheld radios produced by Baofeng and other brands have been a welcome addition to their Ham Radio kit. With the low cost there are compromises. Not having the cleanest spectral output, this has caught the attention of regulators in Germany and Poland. In Germany this has resulted…

  • Tonga Eruption Distress Signal

    January 17th 2022 U.N. concern over distress signal after Tonga volcanic eruption SYDNEY/WELLINGTON, Jan 17 2022 (Reuters) – A distress signal had been detected in an isolated, low-lying group of islands in the Tonga archipelago following Saturday’s massive volcanic eruption and tsunami, the United Nations said. Initial reports suggested no mass casualties on the main…

  • Sweden Told to Prepare by Government

    As far back as 2019, across Sweden, citizens were being encouraged by their Government to be ‘prepared for a heightened alert or the threat of war’. The Swedish government, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, issued a civil emergency advice booklet to 4.8 million households in 2018 encouraging them to prepare for a crisis. Titled ‘If Crisis or…

  • Information is a Vital Commodity

    Internet Radio, Media, Podcasts, Directories Chapter 4. The Media A vital resource for making the right decisions during a minor or major crisis is good quality timely information. Mainstream and Alternative media can provide good clues to an unfolding situation, but don’t rely on one or the other solely. Look at the wider picture and…

  • Introduction

    Welcome to, the home of the new book ‘Everyday Carry Preparedness’ by JP English. Look inside. Sample pages to download. Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 1 to 13 Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 17 to 25 Everyday Carry Preparedness book pages 287 to 297 Everyday Carry and Preparedness are mainstream, sanctioned by Governments and…